How to Properly Insult a Democrat

Teaser #72

“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.” Martin Luther April 18, 1521

● If life is just so unfair, vote Democrat. It is. Get over it.

● If stupidity and dementia qualify you to be President, vote Democrat.

● If Ebola seems like a nice change of pace, vote Democrat.

● To GenX/Millennials: Since you haven’t traveled to other countries much, vote Democrat, then get out more and see what a mess most countries are in.

● If Guantanamo should be emptied and inmates moved to your hometown, vote Democrat.

● If the Nigerian Mafia should be imported to America to help develop their business model, vote Democrat. I hear Shark Tank is interested.

● If not familiar with the concept of ‘projection’, vote Democrat. Look it up ‘cause that’s how this party’s been operating for a while.

Published by Axel Thomas

An International Sensation, author, lecturer, and disestablishmentarian whose talents and accomplishments have made him a household name and is considered a Deity in most countries. Also a Professional Goofball living the dream in Southwest Florida.

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